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Bridges 2 Success Update

Posted Date: 3/18/25 (6:58 PM)

Fulton City School District Superintendent's Office: Brian T. Pulvino, Superintendent of Schools
167 South Fourth Street, Fulton, New York 13069 Phone: 315-593-5511 Fax: 315-598-6351 FULTONCSD.ORG

Dear Fulton Families,
We hope you are doing well. We are sorry to tell you that we will not be able to offer the Bridges 2 Success program for incoming kindergarten through fourth grade students this summer. We know how important this program is to our students and families. We are disappointed too.

We know that many families depend on this program for summer learning and activities. We are looking into other options and will let you know about other programs as soon as we can. Here is a list of some other programs we have found so far.

We are also working to find new ways to pay for summer programs. We welcome any ideas or suggestions for partnerships or resources that could help.

Thank you for understanding and for continuing to support our school. We are grateful for your involvement in our school community.





Contact Information

Camp Hollis

Oswego, NY

Scholarships are available

Camp Hollis

Zach Grulich


Camp Zerbe

Williamstown, NY

Camp Zerbe

Kyle Perez


Camp Foundations

Oswego, NY

Tuition Required

Camp Foundations

Danny Oostdyk


New York State (NYS) 4-H Camps

Locations across NYS

Tuition Required

NYS 4-H Camps

NYS 4-H Camp Specialist

Shawn Tiede

Phone: 585-343-3040 x127

Camp Talooli

Pennellville, NY

Tuition Required

Camp Talooli

315-934-4051 Office 

315-272-4020 Camp

Shineman Summer Scholars Programs

Oswego, NY

Exploring Nature at Rice Creek

July 7 - July 11

Ages 5-16

Sheldon Institute

July 21-25, July 28-August 1

Grades: Kindergarten-4th and 5th-9th


August 4-8, August 11-15

Grades Kindergarten-9th

Shineman Summer Scholars Programs

Chelsea Ginett
Youth Summer Program Manager
Sheldon Institute for Shineman Scholars Director
STEAM Camp Director

Phone: 315.312.2726

Camp Beaver Lake

Baldwinsville, NY

Explorers- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades

June 3 - August 15

Adventurers- 4th, 5th, and 6th grades

June 3 - August 15

You must register in advance.

Camp Beaver Lake

Beaver Lake Nature Center


Brian T. Pulvino
Superintendent of Schools
Fulton City School District