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Public Session Information

Public Session Information

A group of children sit together, smiling and looking at the camera.


  • The Board of Education of the Fulton City School District recognizes its responsibility to be accessible and to hear public comment, and therefore encourages public participation at Board of Education meetings.
  • The Board of Education President is responsible for the orderly conduct of the meeting and shall rule on such matters as the time to be allowed for public discussion, the appropriateness of the subject being presented, and the suitability of the time for such a presentation.
  • The Board of Education as a whole shall have the final decision in determining the appropriateness of all such rulings.
  • It is expected that speakers will conduct themselves in a civil manner and will be ruled out of order for any statement that constitutes a direct threat against officers, employees or students of the school district, or that is obscene.
  • No personal attacks will be tolerated nor should any speaker address specific district personnel or students by name or suggestion.
  • Questions or comments concerning matters that are not on the agenda will be taken under consideration and referred to the Superintendent for appropriate action.
  • Members of the community may comment on any matter related to district business.
  • The Board President may request a brief description of the topic the speaker plans to address. Anyone who wishes to address the Board, will be required to sign in with name, address and topic.
  • Any group or organization wishing to address the Board must identify a single spokesperson.
  • The public shall have the opportunity to address the Board of Education during a second Public Forum at the latter portion of the meeting to address any topics pertaining to the current agenda. The Board requires individuals to state their name, address and topic.
  • Presentations should be as brief as possible and no speaker will be permitted to speak for longer than 3 minutes.