The following are job classifications for non-instructional positions, some of which are regulated under the City of Fulton Civil Service Commission by examination and others of which are non-competitive and exempt from Civil Service examinations. Civil Service positions are notated with an asterisk below:
Prospective applicants interested in Civil Service job openings and up-coming examinations are encouraged to visit, write or call the City of Fulton Department of Personnel located at 141 S. First St., Fulton, NY 13069, (315) 593-2222.
Marc Copani
Director of Human Resources
P: (315) 593-5538
F: (315) 593-9206
Leah Holmes
Benefits Administrator
P: (315) 593-5564
Colleen Caza
Personnel Assistant
P: (315) 593-5537
Fulton City School District
Attn: Personnel Office
167 S 4th St.
Fulton, New York 13069