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Family Remote Learning Update

Posted Date: 2/25/25 (1:46 PM)

Dear Parents and Guardians,

On behalf of our entire school community, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your thoughtful input in helping us design a remote learning schedule that best supports our students. Your feedback has been invaluable in shaping a plan that we hope meets the diverse needs of learners at all age levels.

This plan was created in case of any additional school closure days this year. While we remain hopeful that we will not need to use this plan and can continue with in-person learning, we wanted to be prepared. With that in mind, we recognize that learning looks different at various levels and for each student, so we aimed to create a balance of live, independent, and self-directed learning opportunities.

We truly appreciate the time you took to share your perspectives and experiences. With more than 360 responses, your suggestions helped us make important adjustments to the daily structure, ensuring a balanced approach to both academic engagement and well-being. Our goal was to create a schedule that fosters meaningful learning, provides consistency, and allows for flexibility when needed.

Included with this message, you will find our finalized remote learning plan. In addition, you can expect to receive a more specific plan directly from your child’s teachers, tailored to their classroom and grade-level needs.

As we move forward, we remain committed to working together in support of our students’ growth and success. Please know that your continued feedback is always welcome, and we are grateful for your partnership in this effort.

Thank you once again for your dedication and support. Together, we can create the best possible learning environment for our children.


Brian Pulvino

Family Remote Learning Updates 


  1. District Communication:

    • Announcements regarding closures and remote learning expectations will be sent via ParentSquare, district website, email, and social media.

    • Families will be notified as early as possible to prepare for the remote learning day.

    • CPSE, CSE and 504 meetings will take place virtually at their regularly scheduled times. Google Meet links will be sent out.

  2. Teacher Communication:

    • Teachers will communicate any schedule changes, expectations, and resources through ParentSquare and/or Google Classroom by 8:30 AM Secondary/ 9:30 AM Elementary.  

  3. Student and Family Support:

    • The FCSD Helpdesk will be available for troubleshooting device and internet issues from 9:30-3:30.

      1.       Phone: 315-593-9214

    • Student support staff will maintain virtual availability for student well-being concerns.

      1. Please click this link for contact information

Instructional Delivery

  1. Instruction:

    • Teachers will incorporate both synchronous (live) and asynchronous (independent) instruction. 

      1. Synchronous vs Asynchronous Learning: What's The Difference?

        1. Synchronous learning (on Google Meet): is when students and teachers are logged onto a Google Meet for learning activities during the times listed in their schedule.  This time will be a mix of support and instruction depending on the learning planned for that day.  

        2. Asynchronous learning (off Google Meet): is when students are given learning activities and assignments to complete. This could be learning through paper learning activities and/or a combination of digital learning activities.  It is expected that students will always do their best with this learning and reach out to their teacher if they have questions.

    • Remote Paper Learning Materials will also be sent home as a back up if remote learning is not accessible. 

    • Instructional activities will include live check-ins, small group instruction, and independent learning, all aligned with regular coursework. Whenever possible, instruction will prioritize reinforcing prior learning and skill-building activities.

  2. Daily Schedules:

    • Secondary (Grades 7-12th) : Will follow a modified schedule with a start time of 9:30. 

    • Elementary (Grades Prek-6): Will follow a modified schedule with a start time of 10:30.  


Elementary Schedule

FJHS Schedule

GRB Schedule







Synchronous Google Meet: Homeroom 


Homeroom Time 

9:30 to 9:37

 (26  minutes)


Asynchronous Learning Activities


(25  minutes)


 (24 minutes)




 (25 minutes)


 (24 minutes)


Synchronous Google Meet: Homeroom


(25 minutes)


 (24 minutes)




WIN (18 minutes)


(20 minutes)


Synchronous Google Meet: Homeroom


(31 minutes)


6  (20 minutes)




(31 minutes)


7   (20 minutes)


Synchronous Google Meet: Homeroom


(31 minutes)


8   (20 minutes)


(31 minutes)


9  (20 minutes)


8 (25 minutes)


10  (20 minutes)


(25 minutes)


11  (24 minutes)


12  (24 minutes)


  1. Student Attendance & Engagement:

    • Attendance credit will be given to students who submit the learning activities and assignments (either digital or paper versions) that were assigned on the Remote Learning when they return to school on the following regular in-person school day. 

  2. Student Expectations for Remote Learning

  • All students will follow their "Remote Learning" school schedule including study halls and lunch periods.

  • Students cannot enter a class's Google Meet until the beginning of the period and they must exit once the period is over or when the teacher ends the session.

  • Students should attend a Google Meet in a quiet location free of distractions,  if possible.

  • Students are to stay on mute until the teacher directs them to unmute.

  • Students are to be respectful in all chats, speaking out loud and other types of communication.

  • The purpose of the Google Meet is for learning and to ask for help at the appropriate time.

  • Any recording of the Google Meet video or audio is strictly prohibited.

  • If you are having difficulties email your teacher or counselor or if you are unable to send a message, have your parent send a direct message in ParentSquare to your teacher.

 Technology & Resources

  1. Device Distribution:

    • Chromebooks will be sent home with all students when remote learning is a next day possibility.

    • Remote Paper Learning Materials will also be sent home as a back up if remote learning is not accessible.

    • Student Sign-in To Chromebooks

  • Students in Grades PK-2 use a Clever Badge to sign in - your child should have a Clever badge (QR code) to sign into the Chromebook.  Follow the instructions on the screen to use the badge.

  • Students in 3-12 login with their username and password - they should know this information but if they don’t, please contact your child’s teacher.

  • Google meet for Parents resource

  1. Learning Platforms:

    • Google Classroom as the primary learning management system for grades 1-12 for posting assignments and communication. Grades PK-K assignments are focused on the paper learning activities.

  2. Accessibility & Accommodations:

    • Special education services delivered via virtual meetings and modified assignments.

    • Translation services and support for multilingual learners.

V. Assessment & Feedback

  1. Assessments:

    • Teachers will provide assignments that reinforce prior learning and allow for student reflection.

    • Simple quizzes, discussion posts, or reflections may be used to check understanding.

  2. Grading Policies:

    • Assignments given during emergency remote learning days will count toward participation and be used to support student learning through ongoing feedback.

    • Feedback will be provided through digital comments and follow-up discussions in subsequent in-person instruction.